Carnosine and its Chelating Effects

Carnosine has the ability to chelate metals.

What does this mean? The term chelating is derived from the Greek word “chele” which means “claw” and expresses the ability to merge, adding substance (in this case carnosine) to excess of metals in the tissue and blood. Chelates are substances that can be excreted from the organism through the liver and kidneys. Chelating therapy is a traditional classic detoxification treatment that was primarily used in medicine. Various chelating drugs, like penicillamine, EDTA, and others, have been used intravenously. This treatment effectively removes heavy metals from the body. Chelating treatment is also used as a complementary method for many other diseases, not only for disorders caused by heavy metal poisoning but also contributes to the following positive effects:

  • expands narrow blood vessels
  • lowers blood pressure
  • reduces the activity of free radicals
  • increases the supply of oxygen to the cells
  • removes heavy toxic metals from the organism
  • improves memory
  • removes pain in the extremities
  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels
  • increases blood flow to the heart, brain, other organs and extremities
  • increases enzyme activity.

L-carnosine posses strong anti-chelating properties.